Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing (ISNT)

Enriching Lives through NDE

About US

About ISNT

Meet the Team

Following are the President, Secretary,Treasurer and Executive Director of ISNT

Dr. Krishnan Balasubramanian

President, ISNT

Shri R. Vivek

Hon.Gen.secretary, ISNT

Shri S. Viswanathan

Hon Treasurer, ISNT

About ISNT

The two NDT professional bodies viz. “Non-destructive Testing Society of India”, registered at Calcutta on 19th day of July, 1972 and “Indian Institute of Non-destructive Inspection Engineering” registered at Madras on 9th March, 1981 came to be known as “Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing”. It is a non-profit organization and is registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies, Registration Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1975) Regd. No.49 of 1981.

The Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing (ISNT) is the society for NDT professionals and practitioners which offers invaluable resources, information and linkages for industrial quality development and professional development to its members.

The objective of the Society is to promote the awareness of NDT Science and Technology through education, research and exchange of technical information within the country and internationally to its members and other professionals using NDT. The family of ISNT has more than 5000 strong members. It is a diverse and dynamic family of professionals representing NDT technicians, scientists, engineers, researchers, manufacturers and academicians – all dedicated to improve product safety and reliability. These specialists represent virtually every industry and discipline that may benefit from NDT technology.

ISNT holds periodic seminars and workshops on topics relating to NDT methods and applications, as well as exhibitions displaying cutting edge NDT products and services.
Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

ISNT has 18 chapters spread all over the country with headquarters at Chennai. In addition to the above, we have two wings –

National Certification BoardThe National Certification Board has been formed for the certification of NDT professionals in India and has been periodically conducting Level-I and Level-II courses through ISNT chapters. NCB-ISNT has been recognized by ASNT as the NSO in India and has been periodically conducting Level III ASNT exams right from 1986. NCB-ISNT plays key role in international harmonization of training and certification

QUNEST – Quality through Non-Destructive Evaluation Science and TechnologyThe QUNEST has been formed to : a)Identify NDE issues and thrust areas; b) Foster NDE Science and Technology nationally with international inputs; c) Continuing Education and d) Enhance international standing and make ISNT a global player.

ISNT keeps the members informed about technological advances, new products, certification and training and international linkages.

Welcome to Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing (ISNT)

ISNT through it’s 20 chapters spread across India, serves the NDE enthusiasts for their personal and professional growth. ISNT as the professional society provides you the platform to connect with people in various fields like Manufacturing, NDT Services , Academia, Govt Sectors, Industries etc.

ISNT allows you to attend workshops being held on various topics at different geographical locations across the country to gain access to the up-to-date knowledge base and get exposure to the current technologies. The annual conference on NDE will expose you to a different world by allowing one to interact with who-is-who in NDE and stalwarts in the field of NDE from various sectors and also from different countries.

The training courses on various methods in NDE conducted at various locations will allow you to enhance your skills for better career prospects.

The quarterly journal “JNDE” allows the researchers in Academics and Industries to publish their current research work and make yourself visible to the world. The hard copy of the journal being received by a strong force of 6000 members of the Society.

ISNT has association with various leading NDE societies of different countries such as US, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Russia etc.

ISNT has various student chapters spread across the country in different engineering colleges through which the benefits of NDE science is spread to the upcoming generation.

ISNT allows you to deliver talk in workshops / seminars / conferences and also to take part in delivering training to the upcoming work-force for enhancing their skills for the safer world.

ISNT welcomes you to join with us to explore the new world of possibilities in the field of NDE, strengthen your skills and to spread the NDE science to the whole world.